Why DNA Test is Important?

DNA testing has become a part of our lives now. Any case can be resolved with the help of a DNA test. It thus helps the police and the law and brings justice. DNA tests have uncovered the major diseases and improved treatment. DNA testing can reveal many lies. In each living being there is a unique DNA structure. DNA is present in every cell in our body. Even in the teeth, the roots of hair, blood, bones, urine, sperm and saliva. This DNA is unique for each individual and therefore the test is so reliable. It is also called DNA fingerprinting since two people cannot have the same DNA. The most common methods of DNA analysis methods are Restriction Fragment Length (RFLP) polymorphic and Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR) using short tandem repeats (STR). DNA testing in India is gaining recognition with the period. Whether it is the detection of crime, paternity testing or immigration, DNA has become the most reliable and authentic evidence of distinctiveness. DNA ...