
Showing posts from 2017

Maternity Test and Immigration DNA Test - Both are needed.

DNA is the key to unlock genetic questions or to confirm your biological doubts regarding a child. A maternity test similar to paternity test can also be conducted to confirm biological relation of a mother and a child. The procedure of carrying out a maternity test is same as paternity test. To conduct the test the presumptive mother swabs her cheek for DNA samples and similarly the sample of a child will also be taken and will be send to the laboratory for maternity testing. Maternity DNA test is usually preferred in two situations, legal or non-legal. In non-legal situation, maternity test can be performed at home as well for your satisfaction and peace of mind by collecting samples at home and send it to a laboratory. It is different in a legal situation, you must visit a laboratory and a trained person will collect your samples and will do complete paperwork. This legal situation is also important from the perspective of immigration as well. Immigration DNA tes...

Cell Line Authentication & GPS Origin DNA Test in India

Our center always intends to provide best services and keep upgrading our center as per the current trend or requirement. So, we are happy to announce that we have introduced Cell Line Authentication and GPS Origin DNA test in our center as well. The usage of Cell Line Authentication has increased as the cell lines are used in various ways i.e. biomedical research and clinical applications encompassing of cancer research, drug discovery, genetics and bio-banking.  Cell-Line Authentication is attained through genetic profiling using polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR). These help in identifying and finding any contaminated human cells. The American Tissue Culture Collection (ATCC) has prescribed certain standards for STR analysis for human cell line authentication. These standards specify of at least eight STR and also of Amelogenin used in gender identification for human cell authentication. ATCC also mentions other guidelines like preparing samples for analysis and...

Maternity DNA Test - Affordable and Reliable DNA Testing Laboratory

DNA maternity testing is ordered to determine the maternity of a child although, maternity testing is not as popular as paternity testing. Maternity testing can be ordered in case of- IVF – in most IVF cases the parents want to order a Maternity DNA Test since they want to confirm if the embryo used was of the mother or not. To find their actual mothers- usually in adoption cases, the child wants to confirm about their actual mothers when they grow up. Usually this happens when the adoption was done in the family. The child becomes inquisitive and tries to find about the real mother. Even if he knows the truth, he usually tries to confirm it through a maternity test. Just to ensure- a maternity test may also be conducted just to ensure that the hospital staff handed the right baby or not. In many cases the children are exchanged in the hospitals at the time of birth. This test verifies that there was no mix up and the right baby was handed over at that time. You...

Immigration DNA Test - DNA Test for VISA Immigration

                                    Immigration DNA Test - DNA Test for VISA Immigration Immigration DNA test has been established in recent years to help the government in launching a perfect identification process for Immigration. Every day millions of people travel from one country to another for the purpose of work, business, or education. To stay in another country for a significant time, one should clear legal immigration status. Legal immigration DNA test helps to create an authenticate base in maternity, paternity, grandparent, or Siblingship biological relationship for the purpose of immigration. It is proved as the most accurate testing for the biological relationship status if enough documented proofs are not available. It helps to the government in various crucial conditions such as collect all the information about migrant. DNA profiling for immigration is the most rel...

DNA Forensics Testing- Identify Ethnicity of the Crime

DNA testing is the most accurate method to prove individual’s identity nowadays. It offers nearly 100% accuracy and can be conducted easily. DNA is the blueprint of an individual and exists in each and every cell of the living body including skin, hair, nail, saliva, and blood. With the time and advanced innovations, DNA test is becoming affordable in the cost with an availability of faster results. It proved helpful in many aspects such as parentage identification, forensics, ancestry origin, and body identification. DNA testing is considered as strong evidence in criminal cases. It becomes the most prominent tool in crime investigation. The sample from the crime scene is collected and sent to reliable DNA forensics laboratory for investigation. When the suspect is found, it is matched with their sample. If the sample matches then it can be easy to find real suspect. The process of DNA sample collection can be done easily through a cheek swab sample. A special kind of swa...

Why is BRCA 1& 2 Genetic test beneficial?

Genetic DNA test identifies a mutation in genes, chromosomes or proteins. The test result helps to check suspected genetic condition or the possibility of developing a certain disease in future. Breast cancer is one of the most terrible conditions and affects too many women globally. It knows as a silent killer that is responsible for nearly 25% of diagnosed cancers in women.  Advanced genetic DNA tests such as  BRCA 1& 2 Genetic test  help to find mutations in a body which are responsible for breast and ovarian cancer. The cells of broken DNA are responsible for mutations which are further results in cancers. BRCA 1 & 2 are tumor suppressing genes present in all humans and produces proteins which are responsible for repairing broken DNA. Many times, these mutations may have inherited from either of a parent due to faulty genes. These mutations are responsible for ovarian, breast, Fallopian tube cancer in women and pancreatic, prostate cancer in men. ...

How secure and private is Ancestry DNA?

Ancestry DNA test is the cutting-edge DNA testing service that is used to discover your family history by utilizing the latest technology of autosomal testing. It helps you to predict your genetic ethnicity and find new family connections. Ancestry DNA test helps you to map ethnicity going back multiple generations and provides perception for ethnicity origin. We provide broad ethnic classifications to identify your ancestral origins to specific geographic location using a unique number of gene pools and reference populations. Three types of ancestry testing are used usually for genealogy: Y Chromosome testing : Y chromosome inherits from father to son and explores the direct male line. In many culture, Y chromosome is inherited in the same pattern and it is used to detect relation between two families with the same surname. Mitochondrial DNA testing: Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother and present in both males and females. It provides the direct ...

Paternity DNA test and Its Importance

Paternity DNA testing determines a biological relationship between alleged father and a child. Your child’s paternity is important for establishing relationships to contributing financial support, to get a sense of identity for joyful life, and to collect useful information while treating genetic diseases if required. Paternity DNA test can be conducted easily through a buckle swab sample. A cheek swab sample of both child and alleged father are collected and tested to compare DNA match. Paternity DNA test can be conducted for the fetus as well with a non-invasive method. It is done at an early stage of pregnancy using mother’s blood sample and the results will be displayed within 9-10 working days with greater than 99.9% accuracy. DNA paternity testing is used in DNA profiling to determine whether two individuals are biologically related as a parent and a child. It is used to establish a proof of a biological relationship between a father and a child. If you want ...

The Importance of DNA Test - Application of DNA

The discovery of DNA has been proved the best invention of the last century due to its functionality for the well-being of human.The effect of the discovery is enormous for medical progress, whether it involves a determination of biological relationship, victim identification, crime investigation, or genetic disorder detection.  Forensics Test and DNA Test DNA test plays an important role in forensics. The discovery of DNA has made it possible to determine the guilt or innocence of a person who has been the subject of an investigation for a crime. It also means that weak evidence can still provide vital clues about the perpetrator of a crime. It is also important that the identification of victims can occur, especially in cases where the victim's condition is unrecognizable to his family or friends. In this sense, DNA has played an important role in the revolution of the whole field of forensic medicine. This impact is felt in the criminal justice system and contribut...

DNA Paternity Testing at Home

DNA paternity testing is used to determine the biological relationship between alleged father and a child. Each individual’s DNA is unique like fingerprints except for identical twins. Our DNA structure creates at the time of conception and never changed again in a lifetime. We all inherit our DNA from both biological parents.  A child inherits approximately half of the genes from each biological parent. In DNA paternity test, DNA fingerprints compare between the alleged father and a child and if it matches at least 99.9%, the test is proved as positive for the child & alleged father’s biological relationship. If it does not match i.e. test probability occurs 0% then it denies the relationship between the child and a tested man. The maternal and paternal DNA testing is the most accurate and advanced method to determine child and parent relationship. A standard DNA paternity test generates conclusive results to prove the father-child relationship. A trusted and...

Trusted Immigration DNA Test Center In India - DFL

Many people need to submit biological relationship proof while migrating to foreign countries by respective Embassy or Immigration Agency. Immigration DNA test is necessary in absence of any strong identity or relationship proof. It is considered as a fraud prevention method by Immigration Department of respective country. Many countries such as US, Africa, Australia have suffered due to fraud cases in the past hence; now they are recommending government approved or AABB Accredited Immigration DNA test Certificate at the time of migration or resettlement.    DNA Forensics Laboratory is approved by NABL and Indian government thus, validated for immigration DNA test certificate. We follow a strict procedure as per government recommendations. The person need to provide a request with case number from respective embassy or immigration agency, copy of national ID (passport, voter’s ID, birth certificate), one passport size picture and filled immigration DNA test a...

Why DNA Test is Important?

DNA testing has become a part of our lives now. Any case can be resolved with the help of a DNA test.  It thus helps the police and the law and brings justice. DNA tests have uncovered the major diseases and improved treatment. DNA testing can reveal many lies. In each living being there is a unique DNA structure. DNA is present in every cell in our body. Even in the teeth, the roots of hair, blood, bones, urine, sperm and saliva. This DNA is unique for each individual and therefore the test is so reliable. It is also called DNA fingerprinting since two people cannot have the same DNA. The most common methods of DNA analysis methods are Restriction Fragment Length (RFLP) polymorphic and Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR) using short tandem repeats (STR). DNA testing in India is gaining recognition with the period. Whether it is the detection of crime, paternity testing or immigration, DNA has become the most reliable and authentic evidence of distinctiveness. DNA ...

Cases of child swapping and role of DNA Forensics Laboratory

As India is a densely populated country, human identification is the last thing that comes to mind when we think about development.  DNA screening center came as a surprise to most Indians. Now human identification is possible just by submitting a sample. Making the most of it, the criminals knew that there was no one to help the injured. There have been many cases of child exchanges and Child swapping everywhere. Children were exchanged in hospitals by staff or other people simply for money. The parents of the newborn came to know by sources but were powerless because there was no evidence. In a recent case, parents asked for a DNA test from the child that they were handed over by the hospital and also from the family that was there in the next room. The other family refused to get the DNA test of their newborn. The mother, the injured, was sure that she had given birth to a little boy who had been exchanged afterwards. The nurse had informed her of the ...

DNA Test in India

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid is a complex chemical structure that is unique and different for each organism.  Every cell in our body contains a complete set of DNA. It can be located in our hair, our blood, our skin and our bones. DNA is the basic building block. While a complete set of DNA is called a genome.  Two popular methods for DNA testing are restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using short tandem repeats (STR). All living beings have a different number of chromosomes. We humans have twenty-three pairs, which are inherited from our parents. In each pair of chromosomes, one is from our father and the other from our mother. A DNA test is required to establish the relationship between the DNA profile of two or more individuals.  It allows a biological relationship between these two people. The test may be to prove identity, paternity, grand parenting, immigration purpose or in cases of crime where it is difficult to ...

Confidential Paternity and Parental Paternity DNA Test - Is it trust full?

The paternity test determines whether a particular man is the biological father of a child or not.  When the baby is conceived, it receives half the genes of the father and half of the mother.  This test can also be performed before the birth of the child. This test, when performed before the birth of the child, is called a prenatal paternity test. However, this paternity test can be done after the birth of the child. Confidential paternity testing proved to be a blessing as there was a clear picture of the child's filiations. There are many cases of child exchange in India. Parents are always worried and have this issue in mind. A simple DNA paternity test is the answer to so many questions.  This develops a strong bond between the father and the child. This test is mainly performed with the buccal cells inside the check.  The test is painless and the sample can be collected at home.  The kit may be tested after collection of the sample. Ho...

Paternity DNA Test - DNA Forensics Lab

The Paternity DNA test specifies whether a given person is the biological father of a child or not. Since this test is made for peace of mind, it is the freedom to perform this test at home too. There is a naive method by which the person can collect his own samples using self-dressing kits. This test is performed by collecting buccal cells found inside the cheek of a person.  The swab has a cotton end and a wooden or plastic handle. He can then submit the sample to the laboratory. There are different tests available. The standard test - this test is done by parents for peace of mind.  The motherless test - this test is done if the mother does not agree to get the tests done.   Legal Paternity Test - These tests are conducted for property disputes, custody cases and for immigration. As people become sensitive, the demand for DNA paternity testing is growing. It helps in legal cases. It forms the social security for the child and the mother. It is also usef...

DNA Immigration Test - Prove Your Identity

The DNA tests broke all the borders and united the family members who had left because they had no proof of relationship.  It is government policy that the sponsoring family must prove that there is a biological relationship between the petitioner (sponsor)  and the beneficiary (sponsored person). USCIS, Citizenship and Immigration Services of the United States ordinarily order the presentation of DNA test results to verify that there is a biological link between the two. Many countries want DNA  testing as proof of relationship. There are a few things you need to keep in mind before you do the test. The laboratory you are approaching must be reliable.  It should also be reasonable and must also provide results in a timely manner. There should be a free advice for customers and easy  collection of samples of the door should be available. DNA is the only non-documentary method accepted as evidence of a biological relationship. Previously people used...