Why is BRCA 1& 2 Genetic test beneficial?

Genetic DNA test identifies a mutation in genes, chromosomes or proteins. The test result helps to check suspected genetic condition or the possibility of developing a certain disease in future. Breast cancer is one of the most terrible conditions and affects too many women globally. It knows as a silent killer that is responsible for nearly 25% of diagnosed cancers in women. 

Advanced genetic DNA tests such as BRCA 1& 2 Genetic test help to find mutations in a body which are responsible for breast and ovarian cancer. The cells of broken DNA are responsible for mutations which are further results in cancers. BRCA 1 & 2 are tumor suppressing genes present in all humans and produces proteins which are responsible for repairing broken DNA. Many times, these mutations may have inherited from either of a parent due to faulty genes.

These mutations are responsible for ovarian, breast, Fallopian tube cancer in women and pancreatic, prostate cancer in men.

Benefits of BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing:
•    It helps to take preventive measures in the family history of BRCA mutations
•    It helps to detect possibility of suspecting

BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing in India:

Most of the time people visit to doctor only after the presence of symptoms in India but the probability of cancer cure relies on how much earlier it would be detected. But, to prevent stress after symptoms, people can conduct a BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing beforehand if their family history found the suspect. It would help to prevent them from a disease without a stress.


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